Opportunities for Teens & Young Adults
Train up a child in the way he should go; even when he is old he will not depart from it. — Proverbs 22:6 (ESV)
Opportunities to Grow
Youth ALIVE!
A mentorship-based program for teens in Grades 8-12. Activities range from fun outings, to outreach in the Langley community, to relevant discussions about issues your teen is facing every day.
The LYFE Project
A study group for ages 18+ in any stage of life.
Stepping Stones Bible Camp
An overnight summer Bible camp for children between the ages of Grade 3 to 12.
A strong Reformed tradition that is energetically and happily continued here in Langley Canadian Reformed Church.
Opportunities to Serve
Infant Nursery
Looking for babysitting experience? The Infant Nursery welcomes young helpers age 12 or older.
Toddler Nursery
Looking for babysitting experience? The Toddler Nursery welcomes young helpers age 10 or older.
Vacation Bible School
This week-long extravaganza for children between the ages of 4 to 12 years is made possible with the help of numerous volunteers like you. Helpers are needed to tell Bible stories, help make crafts, and more.
Stepping Stones Bible Camp
Stepping Stones Summer Bible Camp is always looking for volunteers. A variety of positions are available, including counselors, cooks and kitchen helpers, nurses, lifeguards, bus drivers, and chaplain.
Youth ALIVE!
Youthlight needs young adult leaders between the ages of 18 to twenty-something to support and encourage spiritual growth.